Risk Watch Blog

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Check out this podcast episode!

Two%27s podcast

Give it a listen!

The Man that had a Weird Life

Enjoy! -- Two Brothers

Monday, April 17, 2006

Scripts for movies - 5th Grade

We will be using a wiki to write scripts for the Risk Watch movies. Remember, a wiki is a place where we can write together even if we are not in the same room. Also, when you see text in pink, that is me talking. I am enjoying reading the scripts so far. We will use the next two class times to gather images from google images. Soon, we will add our pictures, text, and narration to our project in Photo Story 3. If you want to get a head start learning about movie making, you and your parents can download Photo Story 3 for free at http://snipurl.com/e0cx. I will make a how to movie that will walk you through the steps to make your own movie. Come back within the next week to get the link for the training movie.
Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Should we make more blogs?

Do you think we should keep one blog for everyone to talk about the risks on or make a blog for each risk so those groups can help each other?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Did You Know?

Wow! While searching on the Internet at http://www.nfpa.org/riskwatch/kids.html and http://www.safekids.org, I found some very interesting pieces of information. Did you know that a person can drown in only one inch of water? That is hard to believe! I am going to try to find more information about drownings since I have two young sons, 6 yrs. and 3 yrs. What information did you find that was interesting or surprising?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Risk Watch Introduction

What do you think about how many children are killed and injured every year by the risks (motor vehicle, fire and burn, poisoning, firearms, bike and pedestrian, water, falls, and choking, suffocation, and strangulation)? I have been involved in two of these risks. I was in a motor vehicle accident with Noah when he was less than a year old. It scared me to death! Also, when I was about 10 years old, my family went to visit some friends. They had a son who was two years older than me. He was showing off his new hunting gun (yes, I hunted frequently with my father) and pulled the trigger inside his room. He said it wasn't loaded, but it was! Do you have a story to share? Remember to keep the names to just initials or he/she. People can read and respond to your stories.